twitter-terminologyTwitter isn’t just for getting followers, retweets, and replies — it’s also a valuable marketing channel for generating qualified leads. But when you’re trying to generate leads on Twitter, your tweets have to be a little different than normal. With a few tweaks, your tweets can be transformed into lead generation machines — you just have to know what those little tweaks are.

Recently, Twitter’s Anne Mercogliano and HubSpot’s Kipp Bodnar teamed up to share their top tips for generating leads on Twitter in just 25 minutes a day. (You can click here to access the recording now.) In case you missed it or don’t have time to watch the recording, below are the top ten tips they recommended for getting leads from Twitter.

1) Allocate time each day to your Twitter tasks.

2) Treat lead-gen tweets differently.

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3) Keep hashtags to a minimum in lead-gen tweets.

4) Don’t assume that lead-gen tweets need to be boring.

5) Space out the link and image in lead-gen tweets.

6) Supplement your organic reach with paid tweets.

7) When creating Twitter ads, segment your audience.

8) Measure the performance of each lead-gen tweet.

9) Don’t burn through cash too quickly.

10) Follow up with the leads you generate quickly.

Want to share these tips? Here’s a ready-made tweet:

Click to tweet: 10 Quick Tips for Getting Leads from Twitter – by @DianaUrban at @HubSpot #TwitterTip #twitter25

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