
I have a love-hate relationship with hashtags on Twitter.

On the one hand, they’re a useful way to tie different conversations into one stream. When it comes to following a news item, entering a contest, or figuring out out what’s going on in your favorite sports game, they can be super helpful — and sometimes even fun.

On the other hand, their misuse drives me crazy. Like when #people #hashtag #every #word #of #their #tweet. And don’t get me started on #FollowFriday.

When used properly, though, hashtags can be a powerful marketing tool in helping drive brand recognition, boost conversions, and positively impact customer loyalty. To learn how, check out the infographic below from The Huffington PostIt explains how powerful hashtags can be for social media marketing, the basics of how to use one, and a few best practices. 


twitter lead generation tips guide

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