Social Media Crisis Management Plan - HubSpot

Social media community managers and public relations professionals have to deal with little problems every single day. These could include nasty comments, unhappy customers, delivery issues, or a marketing faux pas — all problems that arise frequently and deserve reasonable and empathetic responses. 

There are times when they also have to deal with real crises, such as gun terror, natural disasters, and white collar crime. The reason these fall under the “crisis” category is because, if you act or respond incorrectly on your social media channels, they could damage a brand’s long-term reputation.

While some of these issues can be categorized as a “problem” or a “crisis” pretty easily, others aren’t so black-and-white. How do you categorize these types of situations? How do you determine the point of escalation with each crisis scenario? When should you get help from a manager or another team member … and who should you even reach out to?

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You’ll find answers to all these questions and more in our brand new Social Media Crisis Management Plan.

Download your social media crisis management plan here.

In this free PDF guide and Excel template, you’ll learn:

  • How to become an expert problem solvert
  • The differences between a problem and a crisis
  • What to do when a problem becomes a crisis
  • How to create your very own crisis management plan

From negative comments to natural disasters, it’s important to have a proper response plan for your social media channels. This guide will help you solve tough problems quickly while avoiding damages to your company’s reputation.

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“Check out @HubSpot‘s Social Media Crisis Management Plan: (Includes a PDF guide + Excel template)

Social Media Crisis Management Plan - HubSpot

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