October in Boston is extraordinary. Between the crisp, dry days, vibrant fall colors, and eerie decorations covering townhouses and street lights all over town, it’s easy to get caught up in the Halloween spirit.
So, as I pondered what to say in my talk for the MarketingProfs B2B Forum earlier this month, I couldn’t help but see monsters. Monsters everywhere!
You see, there are monsters inside every company. Foul creatures in our very funnels. Ghouls so deadly, so insidious, they can eat your prospects alive. These demons will kill your company’s growth. And, if you continue to let them run wild long enough, they can bring on the #Funnelpocalypse.
To protect us all, I created a guide to help you find and stop these seven ghouls before they kill your company’s growth. Use it and prosper. Ignore it … at your peril.
It’s not too late to warn your friends!
Share these dangers and remedies, and help save the business world from the #Funnelpocalpse. (After you click Click to tweet!, you can edit your exact tweet).
1) Forced viral tricks can clog your funnel with zombie visitors and leads. #Funnelpocalypse (Click to tweet!)
2) People want to share stuff that makes them look awesome. #Funnelpocalypse (Click to tweet!)
3) Don’t be a vampire to your community of social media followers. #Funnelpocalypse (Click to tweet!)
4) Be Useful. Ask not what your followers can do for you, ask what you can do for your followers! #Funnelpocalypse (Click to tweet!)
5) Vanity, thy name is bad PR or any of the right tactics done for the wrong reasons. #Funnelpocalypse (Click to tweet!)
6) People have jobs to do and problems to solve. Help them! #Funnelpocalpse (Click to tweet!)
7) Your email lists? Dying off at 25% a year. You can’t grow with ghosts! #Funnelpocalypse (Click to tweet!)
8) A steady flow of great targeted content yields a steady flow of great, targeted leads. #Funnelpocalypse (Click to tweet!)
9) Whether it’s a first visit, a lead, or a customer, welcome ANY visit from ANY platform. #Funnelpocalypse (Click to tweet!)
10) Does month’s end ever hit your reps like a full moon and make them into Saleswolves? #Funnelpocalypse (Click to tweet!)
11) Context is the silver bullet for sales. Make context easy-to-use and convenient. #Funnelpocalypse (Click to tweet!)
12) Forget ABC, Sales needs ABH: Always Be Helping! #FUNNELPOCALYPSE (Click to tweet!)
13) The days of FRANKENTOOLS are numbered. All-in-one saves time and money. #Funnelpocalypse (Click to tweet!)
14) I vow to defeat the 7 growth killing ghouls and prevent the #Funnelpocalypse (Click to tweet!)
15) BEWARE! There are monsters in your funnel eating your prospects ALIVE! #Funnelpocalypse (Click to tweet!)