annoyed-womanThe freedom — and the obligation — to be on email at work all day is a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, if you have a question for Joe in HR, you can usually expect him to have read your email within the next hour or two. (Whether he responds is another story.)

On the other hand, you can find yourself opening GIF after GIF when you’re on a deadline and had just wanted to make sure you weren’t missing anything important. Email is then a distraction, welcome or not.

According to a survey from Sendmail and CPP (the same folks who published the Myers-Briggs personality test), though 92% of those surveyed said email was an essential communication tool, 43% say it’s also the most likely means of communication to cause tension in the workplace.

What is it that annoys people about email? The abuse of reply-all? When coworkers don’t respond to your messages? Something else? Do you think extroverts or introverts are more likely to get angered by certain types of email communication? The infographic below from CPP and Sendmail answers these questions and more. Check it out to learn more about email etiquette and what exactly ticks off your coworkers about email in the workplace.


Download the Science of Email Marketing 2014 report.

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