grabble changing face of ecommerce

We think it’s pretty cool when a company can offer something new to the ecommerce realm. Selling is nothing new, but we’re still exploring the vast possibilities available selling online. That’s why Grabble has us pretty excited. At the moment, this app is only available in the UK, but it’s coming to the U.S. later this year. And it’s seriously cool.

Why? Let’s take a look.

The Trend of Tinder

Dating app Tinder revolutionized the snap decision, didn’t it? Users are presented with a profile and can either swipe left to dismiss or right to explore further. Grabble thought this was a great idea—specifically because users save time they’d otherwise spend on items they know immediately aren’t for them.

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grabble tinder example

With the Grabble app on your phone, you can shop the same way you date now. Fill out a short profile, then wade through the profiles of clothes that fit your preferences. Sometimes they’re exactly what you want; other times they can go straight into the bin, never to be seen again.

The Ease of Pinterest

What happens once you decide to “grab” something? This is where the app borrowed from another crazy trend: Pinterest. When you save something, it’s placed in a collection very much like a Pinterest board. On payday, users can go right back to their favorites and easily find the items they want to purchase right away. No more searching through dozens of ecommerce sites to find the one thing from each.

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As with Pinterest, users can create their own collections to keep everything separate. Organized online shoppers have finally met their match! These collections are available on the app or on the website, so users can browse wherever they like and then shop wherever they’re comfortable.

grabble pinterest example

The Communication of Individual Sites

Ecommerce companies that have their acts together often send out notifications when items are discounted, which prompts larger numbers of sales. Shoppers who find items through Grabble may never visit the website, which could cut the ecommerce company out of the communication. Fortunately, Grabble thought of everything.

When an item in a user’s collection goes on sale, that user will receive a notice. Savvy shoppers waiting for a great deal to make a move can then purchase, which benefits the brand, the app, and the buyer.

The Power of Data

One other benefit Grabble offers retailers and etailers that partner with the app is data. Glorious, useful data! See, shoppers on an ecommerce site let the company know which items are liked and which are discarded by favoriting or purchasing an item. What happens if the buyer finds those items from a third party?

Well, if that third party is Grabble, the brand can track metrics anyway. With the data from Grabble regarding the styles discarded and those saved to a collection let brands know where to focus their efforts.

Who’s excited to see Grabble change the way American ecommerce happens? The trend hits the States in March, and we’ll be ready.

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