Facebook News Feed

There’s really nothing like a truly spectacular lunar event.  I remember the first time I saw a lunar eclipse, for example — I was in the third grade and, for the first time, didn’t immediately tune out my Dad’s seemingly endless enthusiasm for science and history. I also remember theContinue Reading

[affilinet_performance_ad size=468×60] Facebook announced yesterday that it will be overhauling its News Feed that will once again shift the type of content users see first, and most often.According to the official statement, Facebook will “be making updates to [its News Feed] ranking so people have more opportunities to interact withContinue Reading

When Facebook makes any change to its algorithm or News Feed, the standard response is that it’s cause for panic. For example, you may have recently heard some speculation around the channel’s recent “Explore Feed” rollout: an alternative News Feed designed to help users discover content outside of their existing networks,Continue Reading

This morning, Facebook announced three updates to users’ News Feed preferences that give users more control over the content they see in their News Feeds. These updates are available today on iOS and will be rolling out on Android and desktop over the next few weeks. This is part ofContinue Reading