Hello dear Madcashcentral Advertising Pages Exchange Blog Subscribers
as the admin of the site I just wanted to touch base with all of you and thank you for being such great members / subscribers to our Sites and Blog. As a reminder to our subscribers I would like to show you some of our sites that you might find useful, so here goes :
These sites will give our subscribers and visitors access to a lot of great (free) advertising as well as Advertising & Marketing Resources, like online Advertising & Marketing Tools, How to write responsive Ad Copy & other Advertising & Marketing tutorials that will help you build your own online or brick and mortar business.
Now for a totally different subject, I need our subscribers (and that means you reader) Feedback and Input on some matters … like do you enjoy the articles and information posts that we provide? Do you find our site easy to navigate? How about our Social Media Login and register option from OneAll, do you find that a valuable add-on for our blog? Or the sharing option on the Blog do you find it properly located on the site or would you like to see it appear elsewhere too?
These are just a few suggestions as to what we are curious about, I know you subscribers can easily think some up yourselves too, so come on in and gives us your view on matters and help us improve our services.
Best regards
Angelo M ~ Admin ~ Madcashcentral.com