You know what I love most about 80’s and 90’s sitcoms? The catchphrases. 

From Steve Urkel’s “Did I do that?” and Uncle Jesse’s “Have mercy,” to even the obscure Joey Russo’s “Whoa”, these gems have long outlived their alma maters and are often the first things we think of when the show or character comes to mind.

These catchphrases accomplish everything we as Marketers hope to accomplish with a value proposition. 

They’re short, memorable, and they capture the overall value and ideals that their characters bring to the table (or in our case, our brand.)

The last time we brought you 10 SaaS value propositions worth envying, we determined that the very best ones accomplish three things. They tell your audience:

  • what you do
  • who you service
  • how you do it differently

(and they manage to do it all in a neat little package.)

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That being said, let’s take a look at 10 more brilliant SaaS value propositions you wish you had.

1) RelateIQ

“The Smarter, Simpler CRM / Everything You Need, and Nothing to Get in Your Way” 


In a crowded CRM Market, RelateIQ’s value proposition truly stands out. It explains what sets their solution apart from their competition in one concise and powerful statement and makes you want to try it out by clicking their CTA. Here’s a gold star for you, RelateIQ!

2) Slack

“A messaging app for teams. / All your communication in one place, integrating with the tools and services you use every day.” 


Recently redesigned, Slack’s new homepage and value proposition are clean and clear about what the company offers its users. Paired with a dynamic image of the actual tool, Slack leaves no question unanswered about what they are all about.

3) Mint

“Be good with your money…”



Mint’s value proposition is a perfect fit for the brand and its product. The statement is aspirational and tells the audience exactly what they will get from signing up. As an added bonus, the brand also cleverly alters their value proposition to resonate with different audiences.

For example, in the second screenshot, you’ll see that they catered their message to appeal to younger audiences who want to save for a new home or apartment. With their app, you won’t just be saving money, you’ll be saving for a unique space of your very own.

4) Netflix

“Watch TV shows & movies anytime, anywhere. / Plans from $7.99 a month.”


The team over at Netflix knows more than just how to tuck you into bed at night; they also know a thing or two about a great value proposition.

What do they do? They let you watch movies and TV shows.

How do they do it differently? They make them available anytime, anywhere (for as little as $7.99 a month.)

They may not overtly state who they are serving, but in the case of the all-inclusive entertainment industry, they can effectively get away with it. Nice job, Netflix.

5) Contently

“TELL GREAT STORIES / Contently helps leading brands build loyal audiences through premium, original content.”


Most widely known for their popular, high-quality content and educational resources, Contently’s value proposition encompasses the brand, all of its offerings, and its core beliefs flawlessly.

From their videos to their blog articles and their software, Contently is dedicated to telling great stories. This is their overall goal and they want to help you achieve it as well.

6) BigCommerce

“Create your beautiful online store today / Start your free 15-day trial today. No credit card required.” 


BigCommerce’s value proposition is more than just a statement about their offering, it’s a call to action.

The company drives home the benefits of taking action with them by visualizing the possibilities available through their product via their value proposition and hero image. By using BigCommerce, you can have a beautiful retail space just like the woman in the photo — but online.

7) Google Drive

“A safe place for all your files”


Google and simplicity might as well be synonymous. In their no-frills value proposition for Drive, Google effectively tells you what their product does and also let’s you know that you can be rest assured that anything you store will be safe and secure.

8) Soundcloud

“Hear the world’s sounds…” 



Like Mint, Soundcloud does a great job of tailoring their value proposition to particular personas and simultaneously telling a story.

As a Soundcloud listener, you can “hear the world’s sounds” and discover artists like AGO or Zeds Dead, or on the other hand, you can get found like them as a Soundcloud artist.

9) Evernote

“Your life’s work / For everything you’ll do, Evernote is the workspace to get it done.” 


Evernote’s value proposition is short and to the point. What do they do? Your life’s work.

As a tool, the Evernote workspace houses everything you’ll need to be organized, productive, and efficient at home or in the office. Add a quick mention of their option to use the product for free and this would be flawless in my book.

10) GoToWebinar

“Tell your story. Reach more people. Grow your business. / On your very first webinar.”


Last, but not least, GoToWebinar checks off all the boxes with its multifaceted value proposition.

In a clever move, the Citrix company aims to sell the power of the webinar, rather than their product directly. They lay out all the common benefits of hosting a webinar, giving you no reason not to sign up for their 30-day free trial.

Key Takeaway

Unless you are a global brand like Apple or Microsoft, never run the risk of assuming your audience knows what you do or what you offer. In a world where “getting found” is often the goal, you want to make sure that when you are, people know why they should stick around.

Learn more about the importance of a strong value proposition in selling your software and gain insights from experts like Dharmesh Shah, Chris Savage, and Ann Handley in this free guide from IMPACT.

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