
The best marketers I know are always on the lookout for clever hacks and tools to increase their conversion rates. They’re the ones to jump on Snapchat, or experiment with animated GIFs in email, or hack together a parallax scrolling landing page. 

The best marketers I know also understand that these new tools and ingenious hacks don’t always pan out. Sometimes, jumping on the latest trends doesn’t make a dent in your conversion rates, no matter how well you’ve implemented them.

So to make sure they’re hitting their goals every month, top marketers will optimize their marketing based on something that’s been around for a while now: human behavior. They read up on what makes people tick — and adjust their marketing accordingly. 

Thanks to Help Scout, getting up to speed on the most important research in psychology is easy. In the infographic below, they’ve curated and summed up some smart, science-backed tips for increasing your conversions. Check it out!


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