Crafting a standout resume is a lot of work.

Not only do you have to write the darn thing, but you also have to check (and double-check) for typos, even out your margins, make sure you’re not repeating the same action verb 10 times … the list goes on.

In other words, knowing what makes a good resume also means knowing what makes a bad one. And while there are a lot of little things you’ll want to check before sending your “curriculum vitae” (CV) to a recruiter, some are more important than others.

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In the name of prioritization, check out the infographic below from StandoutCV for a list of nine resume mistakes you definitely don’t want to make the next time you apply to an open position. Then, see a brief list of advice to keep bookmarked when you find your dream job.

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Infographic on resume advice for avoiding common CV mistakes Banner

Perhaps this infographic made you cringe at a mistake you made in a past resume. Everyone needs another chance — so, here’s a quick summary of things to keep in mind when making (or remaking) your CV:

  • Professional email address: Your old AOL screen name won’t cut it in the job world. Stick to your first and/or last name.
  • Actionable verbs: Don’t just say you’re a “self-starter” — explain what you did to earn that title.
  • Years of experience: “Proficient” needs a number value. How long have you done these things?
  • One to two pages: Recruiters sift through a lot of resumes every day. Make yours as concise as possible.
  • Employment consistency: Did you take a year off? What’d you do to stay productive? 
  • Error-free: “Attention to detail” is a bullet point on so many job listings today. Show you care with a resume that is clean of typos.
  • Balance and neatness: Sans serif fonts and bulleted lists make your resume easy to read. (Hint: This blog post does both of those things!)

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