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Social selling is part activity, part reputation. If you’re writing insightful comments on your prospects’ blogs, responding to their tweets, and liking their shared content, you’ve got the activity bit down pat. But if your LinkedIn profile doesn’t include your three jobs and features a cropped picture of you from prom, you can’t really call yourself a social seller. 

If you’d like to start a social selling initiative in earnest, then begin by revamping your LinkedIn profile. Just as you’re researching potential buyers on LinkedIn to learn more about them, they’re looking at your profile to judge whether they want to do business with you. Don’t ruin great messaging and positive interactions with an outdated, sparse, or inappropriate profile. 

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So, what exactly should your LinkedIn profile look like? We’ve put together an infographic that breaks down the ideal social selling LinkedIn profile, section by section. Stride into 2015 with social selling style.

Click image to enlarge.


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