
Your LinkedIn Company Page is an online beacon for both prospective customers and prospective employees. As such, it is a truly unique space on the web, one that blurs the lines between knowledge- sharing platform and relationship-building tool.

To help you make the most of your LinkedIn Company Page, we’ve put together this visual guide, which features several “pro tips” provided by LinkedIn’s marketing team. The guide also includes several visual examples we’ve gathered from top-performing Company Pages so you can find inspiration for your company’s page.

From crafting a killer company description to choosing an eye-catching banner image, we’ll walk you through the entire process of getting a Company Page set up for success. More specifically, this guide will help you optimize the following aspects of your LinkedIn Company Page:

  • Company overview
  • Logo and banner images
  • Careers page
  • Showcase pages
  • Featured groups
  • Company updates
  • Page analytics

So, flip on through and find some inspiration. And if you’d like a text-only version of LinkedIn’s tips, refer to the checklist that’s included in the download.

(Want to share this guide with your LinkedIn community? Use the share button below!)

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