It’s happened to all of us. We see an advertisement or some other reference to a seemingly useless product. And yet, it “sells like hotcakes,” as the saying goes — and you think to yourself, “Well, I could have invented that.”

But there’s a reason why these products sell. They come with a use that’s somewhat niche in nature, but highly novel. Think about some of the products you may have come across in a SkyMall catalogue — a wall-mounted electric fireplace? A foldable pet ottoman? They sound completely frivilous, but if I’m being honest, even I might buy them.

There are some inventions, though, that have earned a status as household names, as well as tons of money. What are they, and how did they come to be? Well, you’re in luck — this infographic from SilverDoor answers those questions about seven of the most popular ones. To learn more about the challenges marketers face today, download the free  2016 State of Inbound report here.

So read on, and be prepared to ask, “Why didn’t I think of that?”


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