Your company logo might not be a stand-alone indicator of success, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to have a thoughtful, eye-catching design — especially if you’re an early stage startup attempting to break into a competitive space. 

To see how high-growth companies are approaching logo design, the folks at SmartSign analyzed more than 2,000 company logos from the Inc. 5000 List of America’s Fastest Growing Companies, seeking patterns that might indicate more than just an eye towards popular design trends.Notice something different? Click here to learn more about the HubSpot blog  redesign process.

They collected data on each logo’s dominant attributes (e.g.: minimal, angular), structure (e.g.: icon, wordmark), color scheme, and industry. While some of the findings clearly reflect expected trends (94% of the logos could be classified as minimal), others revealed some interesting insights into patterns across a variety of industries.

Curious to see what these powerhouse startup logos have in common? Check out the infographic below, and start planning your next redesign with this data in mind. 

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HubSpot Blog Design

HubSpot Blog Redesign

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