close_door_(blog)Another summer week just came to a close. Can you believe it? It’s incredible how fast time is flying by.

With so much on an inbound marketer’s to-do list each week — creating content, drafting emails, fine-tuning SEO, etc. — we marketers often don’t have enough time keep up with all the important marketing news, trends, and advice.

In this week’s roundup, you’ll find our most shared blog posts from the week. Take just a few minutes to catch up on what you might have missed before opening the door on yet another week.

74 Compelling Fill-in-the-Blank Blog Post Titles [Infographic]


Your title is your blog post’s first impression on a reader, whether it’s getting discovered in social media, search engines, or in a person’s inboxes. The infographic in this blog post features 74 title “templates” to help you brainstorm compelling titles for your blog posts.

The CIA Released Their Style Guide, and It’s Absolutely Fascinating


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The CIA’s official style guide for intelligence publications was recently released to the National Security Counselors after a Freedom of Information Act request. Read this blog post to see some highlights from the CIA’s guide. It sure is interesting.

SEO Evolved: Why Quality Content Is Instrumental to Off-Page SEO


Considering link exchange deals and guest blogging aren’t viable options for improving off-page SEO, how are marketers supposed to get the links they need to boost their rankings? This post provides a short answer to this question, identifying a few ways marketers can improve their off-page SEO while also adhering to Google’s guidelines.

A Simple Guide to Web Traffic Terms


Views, visits, visitors — it’s all the same, right? Unfortunately, people tend to use these very different terms interchangeably. This post offers a nice little cheat sheet of web traffic terms to help you truly understand what’s what so you can interpret your website analytics correctly and make well-informed decisions about your traffic data.

New Twitter Dashboard Lets You Measure Performance of Organic Tweets


Twitter recently unveiled a new tweet activity dashboard that will provide advertisers, Twitter Card publishers, and verified users real-time data about their individual, organic tweets. Read this blog post to learn all about this new analytics tool and how it can be used to optimize your Twitter strategy.

What was the most interesting thing you learned this week on Inbound Hub? What do you want to see more of? Leave your feedback in the comments!

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