Bitcoin Mining

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

  A decade ago when Satoshi Nakamoto unleashed the Bitcoin network, the security behind the protocol was guarded by only a few miners. These days, mining the SHA-256 algorithm has become a thriving industry that hasn’t stopped growing. Bitcoin Mining Pools and ASICs Change the Game Every waking second ofContinue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

  Stories continue to emerge about newly discovered illegal mining operations being busted by state and corporate authorities. Just last week Iranian media reported the seizure of 177 Bitcoin mining units worth over $270,000 being smuggled via truck in the Arak region. On July 31, Russia’s Kraskom power company reportedContinue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

  There has been a slew of bitcoin mining rigs announced during the last 12 months that claim to process more terahash per second while consuming less energy. However, with cryptocurrency prices so low, lots of newly launched machines are not profitable and many of them haven’t even shipped yet.Continue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

  On Nov. 27, the world’s second-largest semiconductor chip maker, Intel, was granted a patent for a processing system that mines Bitcoin but utilizes more “energy-efficient hardware accelerators.” According to the patent called the “Optimized SHA256 Datapath,” the newly invented “high-performance” Bitcoin mining process could reduce overall power consumption byContinue Reading