Bitcoin News

Currently, Assange is imprisoned in the London maximum-security prison Belmarsh and the whistleblower has resided in the jail since 2019. The Assangedao wants to shine a light on the corruption tied to Assange’s case and help liberate the activist from imprisonmentContinue Reading

Crypto’s Dotcom Era Begins as Handshake Launches Decentralized Domains

  Handshake, one of the more original crypto projects to have spawned during the ICO era, has completed its long-awaited launch. The decentralized domains registrar, founded by MIT engineers, has spent the last year in stealth mode but is now opening up to the general public. The Handshake protocol, coupledContinue Reading

  “The central banks of Britain, Japan, the euro zone, Sweden and Switzerland have grouped up to assess potential use cases for digital currencies. Talk of such currencies gained momentum after Facebook announced plans last year to introduce a cryptocurrency called libra,” – CNBC. In the light of such developments,Continue Reading

  There are many different browser extensions or plugins that benefit cryptocurrency users, ranging from price trackers and wallets to those that help crypto users with security and privacy. has produced a video, listing 10 of the most useful browser extensions with explanations of how they can help cryptoContinue Reading

  It’s been said that those who protest the loudest are often the ones who are guilty, and when it comes to government and their pet corporations, things are no different. No surprise, then, that the blustery moralizing — and violent state force brought to bear against businesses — areContinue Reading

  A 12-year-old, future unschooling advocate at an Occupy Wall Street protest learns about Bitcoin while running from the cops. He invests. Later, the independent Erik Finman will become the supposed “world’s youngest bitcoin millionaire” at age 18. That’s not where the story ends, though. The high school dropout hasContinue Reading

  The opioid epidemic is the new devil Bitcoin is being blamed for inflaming, to be added to the already long list of heinous crimes crypto is supposedly responsible for, like terrorism, money laundering, and trafficking. While it’s painfully clear that the U.S. dollar is a much more common toolContinue Reading

  Many cryptocurrency supporters believe the technology allows for the separation of money and state in a manner that’s never been seen before. Governments inflict two forms of robbery against nonviolent citizens by forcing them to pay taxes while also stealing from them silently through inflation. Now there’s a wideContinue Reading

  Central banks worldwide are examining the possibility of issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC), with some already testing theirs for different uses. Countries that have advanced their digital currency projects include China, Singapore, Canada, the Bahamas, Thailand, Uruguay, and Sweden. India has also included the digital rupee inContinue Reading

  On August 13, Samsung, the South Korean multinational conglomerate, published the company’s new Blockchain Keystore SDK for developers and the latest release supports Bitcoin Core (BTC). The version follows Samsung’s previous Keystore release which only supported ETH and the ERC20 standard. Samsung Quietly Adds BTC Support to Its BlockchainContinue Reading