
“Everyone should learn how to code.”

This has been the narrative in the technology industry over the last few years, and for good reason. Code is behind nearly everything we touch today. Even those who don’t have a desire to become a developer are learning to code in order to gain a fundamental understanding of how technology operates.

At the forefront of this movement is Codeacademy. This online interactive platform offers free coding classes, and is quickly becoming a pillar in the New York City startup community. 

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And it all started back in 2011, when co-founder Zach Sims dropped out of Columbia to start the company with Ryan Bubinski. Since then, they’ve helped nearly 25 million people learn how to code.

Zach joins Mike on this episode of The Growth Show to talk about:

  • How Codecademy was a viral phenomenon
  • The decision to drop out of an Ivy league school with only one year left until graduation
  • The choice to make Codecademy free for everyone
  • The future of learning and how they’re re-thinking education from the bottom up

Click the play button below to listen to this episode, or subscribe directly on iTunes and you’ll never miss a new episode: And if you’d like to see more recaps of the latest episodes of The Growth Show, click here.

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