
Home to countless cookie recipes, laughable memes, and perfect last-minute gift ideas, there’s certainly already a lot to love about Pinterest.

But what if we told you that the content sharing service had even more to offer?

The simple truth is this: Amidst the ab workouts and IKEA furniture hacks, there lies a huge opportunity for businesses to use Pinterest to drive revenue. And with nearly 30% of online American adults using Pinterest, this isn’t an opportunity you’ll want to leave on the table.

To help you get a handle on how to make Pinterest work better for your business, make your way through the infographic below from QuickSprout. It includes insight on what the most popular categories are and how to drive more engagement. Check it out to get the background you need to start putting your own Pinterest strategy into practice.


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How do you use Pinterest to generate revenue? Share your tips in the comments below.

free guide: acquire customers with social media

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