kid-peek-christmas-treeAll right, so most of us haven’t even picked out our Halloween costumes yet.

But for marketers everywhere, it’s just about that time where we need to start sipping the proverbial egg nog and thinking about our holiday marketing strategies.

The good news is that the days of plenty are coming: Last year, in 2013, the average number of visits to inbound ecommerce websites on Cyber Monday grew 102%.

Website traffic and sales have a huge potential to grow during this time of year — and social media will be a key player as people get more excited about the holidays.

But where to start with your holiday marketing strategy on social media? Let’s look at what other marketers are thinking about this season. Offerpop conducted a study of marketers about their holiday marketing plans and created the infographic below. Check it out and learn what other marketers’ priorities are, where they’re investing, and which social networks are becoming more popular.


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