
Every year, HubSpot launches the State of Inbound report, detailing inbound marketing and sales trends across the globe. This year, we’re so excited to announce that we’ve also launched the State of Inbound EMEA report, focusing exclusively on the region.

With the data from both reports at our fingertips, we couldn’t help but dive in and compare the responses. Were there any key differences between U.K. & Ireland marketers versus U.S. marketers? Similarities? Did things look the same across the pond? View the 2016 EMEA State of Inbound Report here

Check out the revealing statistics below to see how the two regions stack up when it comes to their approach to inbound.

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17 Stats That Uncover Key Marketing Differences Across Regions [New Data]

Marketing Strategies

1) 76% of U.K. & Ireland marketers reported that they work in inbound companies vs. 73% in the U.S. [Tweet this]

2) Nearly half of U.K. & Ireland marketers surveyed did not believe their organisation’s marketing strategy was effective, compared to just 29% in the U.S. [Tweet this]

3) U.K. & Ireland marketers at companies that invest in inbound marketing are 2X more likely to rate their marketing strategy as effective. [Tweet this]

Marketing Priorities & Challenges

4) Marketers on both sides of the pond agreed that converting customers and growing web traffic are the top two priorities for 2017. [Tweet this]

5) Webinars are not as popular with U.K. & Ireland marketers, with 22% prioritising this content form, compared to 31% in the U.S. [Tweet this]

6) Top challenges for U.K. & Ireland marketers include: generating more traffic and leads, and proving marketing’s ROI. [Tweet this]

Least Effective Marketing Tactics

7) 28% of U.K. & Ireland marketers said traditional print, outdoor, and broadcast advertising was overrated. [Tweet this]

8) According to U.K. & Ireland and U.S. marketers, the most ineffective marketing tactic is paid advertising. [Tweet this]

9) Organic social media is reported to be less effective in the U.S. — 12% of U.S. respondents indicated it is ineffective, compared to 7% of U.K. & Ireland marketers. [Tweet this]

10) YouTube is planned to be a key element of 36% of U.K. & I marketer’s 2017 content strategy. [Tweet this]

11) 29% of U.K. & Ireland marketers are planning to invest in Facebook video in the next year. [Tweet this]

12) Podcasts are seeing a resurgence in popularity: 18% of U.K. & Ireland marketers plan on adding them to their marketing plans. [Tweet this]

Professional Communication

13) 14% more U.K. & Ireland professionals prefer face-to-face communication compared to U.S. professionals. [Tweet this]

14) 11% more U.K. & Ireland respondents use social media for business purposes compared to U.S. counterparts. [Tweet this]

15) 8% more U.K. & Ireland respondents prefer Twitter compared to U.S. marketers. [Tweet this]

16) 9% more U.S. marketers prefer Facebook compared to U.K. & Ireland marketers. [Tweet this]


17) One in five U.K. & Ireland companies have reported tight alignment between sales and marketing, compared to one in four in the U.S. [Tweet this]

Want to see the full EMEA report detailing inbound marketing & sales trends and benchmarks? Download it here.

get the free 2016 state of inbound EMEA report

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