calendar_april-1So, another month has come and gone. At HubSpot, that means a lot of new content has been created and published. 

As content creators know all too well, not all of the content you publish will be wildly successful. In June, we saw another month of content — some pieces performed very well with our audience and some didn’t.

We wanted to make sure you weren’t missing out on the great stuff. This blog post offers a roundup of the most-shared blog posts from June. Take a look and catch up on anything you may have missed.

The Recipe for Perfect Social Media Posts [Infographic]


If you want lots of people to engage with your social media posts, you have to optimize your posts for each individual social network. This blog post will teach you optimization tricks to help you make every future social media post count.

Better Content Through Chemicals? How Caffeine, Alcohol, & Other Substances Affect Creativity


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Have you ever wondered how chemicals like alcohol and caffeine actually impact your productivity and creativity? This blog post will give you the down-low on it all. 

Why Introverts Make Great Leaders


Confidence and success are highly correlated. But many times, confidence and extroversion are mistaken for each other. This blog post discusses the reasons introverts can make very talented leaders.

The Engagement Ring Story: How De Beers Created a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry From the Ground Up


Why is it that diamond engagement rings are a symbol of love and commitment? This blog posts describes the ways De Beers used marketing to create demand for diamonds from nothing.

How to Write a Tweet: 8 Formulas to Get You Started


It can be difficult to determine what exactly will make your desired followers engage with you on Twitter. To help you improve your Twitter game, this blog post offers some template Twitter “formulas.”

What was the most interesting thing you learned this month on Inbound Hub? What do you want to see more of? Leave your feedback in the comments!

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