
This post originally appeared on the Sales section of Inbound Hub. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.

Monday morning. You sit down with a large cup of coffee, open your inbox, and start tackling the first email. You’re almost ready to hit send when —

Your phone rings. Midway through the call — 

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Your boss comes over and asks you to take on a time-sensitive task. You get started on it and —

It’s time for a meeting. Before you know it, the day is over. What just happened?

This is a familiar story for almost every professional, and every day can feel like a mad scramble. But pinballing from task to task without a plan has a cost. According to an infographic from Velocify, more than 31 workweeks are lost each year due to multitasking. That’s more than half the year!

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On the bright side, prioritization can drastically reduce the lost productivity costs associated with multitasking. For example, companies that use an automated prioritization solution increase salespeople’s talk time by 88% and better their conversion rates by 97%.

Keep this in mind if you’re tempted to boast about your or your team’s ability to multitask as a badge of honor. The practice carries a hefiter price tag than you might realize.


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