
This year, the holiday shopping season looks promising for both B2C and B2B retailers. According to predictions from eMarketer, U.S. sales are expected to increase 5.7% year-over-year, reaching $885.70 billion. For ecommerce retailers, the year-over-year increase jumps to 13.9%, totaling $79.5 billion.

What does this mean for you? Shoppers will likely have omnichannel expectations for your brand.
Whether they shop in store, on their mobile, or even a mix of both, consumers will reward retailers who help them through the chaos of the season. This means being everywhere your customers are, while providing a seamless experience between each shopping channel. 

Curious about the best ways to attract new business during the holidays? Check out the latest trends in holiday shopping and tips to apply them to your marketing plans in our SlideShare below: 47 Stats for Remarkable Holiday Marketing in 2015

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(Want to be sure your holiday marketing plans stack up to the stats? For a complete checklist, download this free holiday trends guide.)

How have recent trends influenced your holdiay marketing strategy? Share your success stories in the comments below.

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