Information & Terminology

  It’s been said that those who protest the loudest are often the ones who are guilty, and when it comes to government and their pet corporations, things are no different. No surprise, then, that the blustery moralizing — and violent state force brought to bear against businesses — areContinue Reading

  A 12-year-old, future unschooling advocate at an Occupy Wall Street protest learns about Bitcoin while running from the cops. He invests. Later, the independent Erik Finman will become the supposed “world’s youngest bitcoin millionaire” at age 18. That’s not where the story ends, though. The high school dropout hasContinue Reading

  Many cryptocurrency supporters believe the technology allows for the separation of money and state in a manner that’s never been seen before. Governments inflict two forms of robbery against nonviolent citizens by forcing them to pay taxes while also stealing from them silently through inflation. Now there’s a wideContinue Reading

  A recently published document reveals that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has plans to hire contractors to run specific cryptocurrency full nodes for the government agency. According to the SEC documentation, the regulator wants third-party contractors to run nodes for Bitcoin Core (BTC), Ripple (XRP) and EthereumContinue Reading

  A number of Bitcoin Cash detractors and media publications have recently been spreading a false narrative that the BCH network was ‘51% attacked.’ In reality, however, honest nodes used their hashrate to stave off attacker nodes that were attempting to steal funds on the network. BCH Developers Discuss theContinue Reading

  The lawsuit against Craig Wright continues this week and on April 5, court dockets indicate that Florida Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart memorialized rulings from the recent Craig Wright deposition. Moreover, the counsel representing the Kleiman estate has submitted 2,136 documents belonging to Dave Kleiman on April 4. Many ofContinue Reading

  In August 2017, covered a number of cryptocurrency programs that were being offered to the students of Wooranna primary school in Victoria, Australia. Nearly two years later, the school’s cryptocurrency programs continue to thrive, with the students having recently interviewed Andreas Antonopolous, and attracted visitors from Europe, NorthContinue Reading

  Over the last few years, infighting and different visions has led to significant divides within the Bitcoin community, weakening the network effects no matter which chain you support. With all the arguments about scaling, privacy, consensus changes and the various forks, it is amazing that these public networks areContinue Reading

Quadrigacx Saga: Founder’s Widow Owns $5.6m Properties, Hospital Confirms Cotten’s Death

  Troubled Canadian cryptocurrency exchange Quadrigacx may be newly armed with a 30-day stay from creditors, following the Feb. 5 bankruptcy hearing, but its late CEO’s widow, Jennifer Robertson, is on shifting ground as her affidavit is being picked apart by customers, experts and conspiracy theorists.   Cotten’s Death BirthsContinue Reading

  For well over two months, the yellow vest movement in France has continued to keep itself illuminated with fervent protests against taxes, the banking system, and the region’s bureaucrats. On Feb. 1, a group of Gilets Jaunes working at the bill printing factory explained their plan to show theContinue Reading

  While U.S. investors are waiting for a bitcoin ETF to be approved, American financial regulators are looking to make the market more transparent. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is seeking a service that will identify the owners of wallet addresses for multiple cryptocurrencies. Also Read: Chainalysis: Two HackerContinue Reading