
We showcased what our plan would be over the next year and a half, what teams we’d bring on and why we’d bring them on, and what kind of potential they have. So there was honestly a lot of background work as well, which was another part of the reason why they really liked what we were doingContinue Reading

The major challenge when building blockchain-based gaming companies are faced with are problems with scalability, and high transaction costs. Therefore, the team at Sony decided to start trialing the Tron blockchain for potential improvement of user-experience.Continue Reading

Review: Crypto Is a Surprisingly Fun Movie About Compliance

  “Fuck” is the first word uttered in Crypto. It might also be yours after watching John Stalberg Jr’s claustrophobic movie about an anti-money laundering agent caught in a web of deceit, intrigue, and bad beer. Copious cryptocurrency references have no tangible impact on the plot, but serve as aContinue Reading