Money Laundering

  The international financial establishment is known to express concern about the risks of money laundering when the crypto space is mentioned. A string of scandals indicates, however, that traditional banks are not only susceptible to the phenomenon but sometimes complicit, whether knowingly or inadvertently. New chapters have been addedContinue Reading

Review: Crypto Is a Surprisingly Fun Movie About Compliance

  “Fuck” is the first word uttered in Crypto. It might also be yours after watching John Stalberg Jr’s claustrophobic movie about an anti-money laundering agent caught in a web of deceit, intrigue, and bad beer. Copious cryptocurrency references have no tangible impact on the plot, but serve as aContinue Reading

  Some of the most well known banks in the world are also the biggest money launderers. The recent Troika Laundromat affair added another $8 billion to the trillions financial institutions wash every year. Over $2 trillion is laundered annually by criminals who utilize various ways to hide money inContinue Reading

  Deutsche Bank’s headquarters and five other offices have been raided by 170 police officers, prosecutors, and tax inspectors over money laundering allegations. The bank’s written and electronic business documents were reportedly seized. Its employees allegedly helped clients set up offshore companies to launder money. Also read: Indian Supreme Court MovesContinue Reading