
This post originally appeared on HubSpot’s Sales Blog. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.

As the saying goes, people don’t leave their jobs, they leave their bosses. So if you’ve been blessed with a teamful of rockstars, you should probably make sure your management style isn’t making direct reports anxiously eye the door.

Pepperdine University put the following infographic together as a primer on how to be a good manager. Some of my favorite snippets of wisdom:

  • “Keep your sights on what’s right — not what you want right now.” (Tweet This)
  • “Accept changes as part of growth, and encourage employees to do the same” (Tweet This)
  • “Celebrate success. Don’t just say it — show it!” (Tweet This)

Whether you’ve recently been appointed the head of a team or you’ve been a manager for 30 years, the graphic below is well worth a read.


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