
We waste a lot of time reading and responding to emails at work. So much so that many people have become obsessed with optimizing their time spent “dealing” with email — whether that’s putting limits on the number of times they check their inbox during the day, using a productivity method such as inbox zero, or investing in tools to manage the mess of incoming communications. 

One effective way to reduce the amount of time spent writing and perfecting emails while also improving the chance of your message being opened, read, and responded to is to create a library of email templates you’ve found to be effective.

And you’re in luck because we’ve got a guide to get you started building out this repository. 

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In our new ebook — 15 Email Templates for Marketing & Sales — you’ll find sample copy for commonly sent emails you can customize for your own communications. Included in the guide are templates for: 

  • Pitching a co-marketing campaign to an influencer
  • Requesting a customer reference
  • Reaching out to speaker
  • Pitching a guest post to an editor
  • Following up after an in-person meeting 
  • And more!

Cut down on the time you spend writing emails and improve your response rate by downloading the templates here.  

free email copy templates  

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