A captivating title is your first (and maybe only) chance to grab your target audience’s attention and draw them toward your content. But titles shouldn’t be created based on what feels right or what sounds cool — it’s much more effective to let data guide your title creation decisions.
That’s why HubSpot and Outbrain teamed up to bring you a data-driven guide to writing effective titles and headlines. In this guide we look at how headlines affect reader behavior in the context of traffic, engagement, and conversion. Here’s a taste of some quick tips and stats you’ll take away from the guide:
- Headlines generate the highest level of engagement at moderate lengths (81-100 characters). [
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- Bracketed clarifications, which are clarifications of the type of content represented by the headline — e.g. [Infographic] — increase CTR when included in headlines. [
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- Headlines featuring the word “photo(s)” performed 59% better than headlines without this word, showing that visuals are a winner whether they’re getting the initial click or keeping readers engaged after the click. [
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Want more tips, charts, stats, and graphs about what types of titles work best? Download Data-Driven Strategies for Writing Effective Titles & Headlines right here.
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