
“If you’re going to start a company, you have to do it for the right reasons.”

– Matt Salzberg, Founder & CEO, Blue Apron [Click To Tweet]

Blue Apron is one of today’s fastest-growing food delivery businesses — and they’ve taken a unique approach to what it means to deliver food. Instead of shipping out finished meals, they let their customers be the chefs, delivering recipes and fresh ingredients to people all over the United States. (Think: almond-crusted cod with coconut rice and ginger spinach; spring bucatini pasta with pea tips, asparagus, and mint. Is your mouth watering yet?)

Clearly, their mission extends beyond convenience and speed. They’ve tapped in to the personal, emotional, and social side of food: the home-cooked meal. Their goal? To make healthy and delicious home cooking accessible to anybody.

Blue Apron has come a long way since 2012, when its three co-founders were buying, packaging, and shipping ingredients out of a tiny kitchen in Long Island City. In the two years since, they’ve grown their team to over 1,200 employees and ship over one million meals every month. We wanted to learn how.

On this episode of The Growth Show, Blue Apron Founder and CEO Matt Salzberg sits down with HubSpot CMO Mike Volpe to talk about what’s behind Blue Apron’s growth and how they’re disrupting the traditional grocery chain model.

In this episode, Matt talks about:

  • Starting the company and how they used to have to hand-pack and ship each meal
  • His lessons going from working as a venture capitalist to starting a company
  • They tradeoffs they’ve had to make to support the company’s growth
  • Why hiring has been their biggest challenge

Click here to listen to this interview and subscribe for future episodes.

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