Nowadays, reviews are more important than ever — 9 out of 10 people are looking at online product reviews and posts on social networks before making a purchasing decision. Do you have a plan in place to take advantage of this trend?

Enter the ever useful and efficient case study. Case studies give your audience more information about your product or service in the context of a specific company size or vertical. Though each case study may have slightly differing details, the core messaging will fundamentally remain the same: how your product and/or service has helped one of your existing customers overcome a challenge, achieve  a goal, and/or better their lives.

Case studies are also crucial to your sales process. Having a variety of case studies based on various categories such as industry, location, company size, or type of business can help your sales team convert leads into customers and upsell existing customers.

We know that building out an awesome case study that shares a compelling story can be both time-consuming and difficult if you’re not sure how to go about it. You may be wondering where to start, who to speak to, and what to ask.

To help you to focus on creating content that drives both your sales team and process forward, we have created The Ultimate Case Study Creation Kit. With this helpful kit you’ll be able to:

  • Select perfect-fit participants to help your case study shine the spotlight on your product and/or service.
  • Reach out to potential participants and engage them in the process.
  • Devise great questions to ask your perfect-fit participants. 
  • Layout the case study in a comprehensive, clear, and informative manner — giving you more time to focus on the actual content at hand.

Click here to download the kit, and if you want to share this resource with others, use the click-to-tweet links and image below.

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 “The Ultimate Case Study Creation Kit: via @HubSpot 


case study creation kit - guide + template

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