Screen_Shot_2014-08-22_at_3.06.48_PM-1You know that refreshing feeling when you get out of a meeting, bright eyed and bushy tailed, feeling like you really got a lot of solid work done?

Yeah, okay. Most meetings aren’t like that at all. When great meetings happen, they’re awesome (I myself love a good brainstorming session), but most of the time, they’re just a huge time suck. (I’m looking at you, “status update” meetings.)

But how bad is it, really? How much are lousy meetings costing your company? And what is it that causes meetings to be so darned unproductive?

This infographic from in collaboration with the folks at fuze illustrates statistics that will make you think twice about your upcoming calendar commitments. They also pinpoint what causes bad meetings, and what you can do to make your meetings much more practical. Check it out.

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