This post originally appeared on HubSpot’s Sales blog. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.

There’s a reason why teachers instruct students to make an outline before they start writing a paper. With a defined outline, writers ensure they address each point in the correct order. Without an outline, writers sometimes forget to include a crucial argument, or construct their paper in an illogical manner.

Think of a defined sales process as the outline of selling.

Without a concrete sales process, reps create their own strategies, which gives rise to two negative results:

  • Depending on how the rep approaches sales, they might provide a bad experience for the buyer
  • Sales managers can’t glean team-wide data

If your team doesn’t work from a standardized sales process, check out the visual template below. The graphic depicts a basic 10-step sales process:

  1. Prospect
  2. Qualify
  3. Connect
  4. Identify Pain and Needs
  5. Present
  6. Handle Objections
  7. Issue Proposal
  8. Close
  9. Deliver Product/Service
  10. Upsell/Cross-Sell

Working from this template, you can customize a sales process that will work for your team. Too many steps? Cut a few. Too few? Add some. But whatever you do, define a sales process — and hold reps to it. 

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