Content marketing strategies and SEO are closely interrelated. From boosting search rankings in the SERPs and aiding in navigation to conversions and sales for your business, your brand is nowhere without an authentic content marketing strategy. 

Since there are tons of content marketing strategies, you have to decide which one might best help promote your brand amidst competition.

Content Marketing Strategy — Roadmap to Success 

Content marketing strategy is created to drive visitors to your website with the pure intent of generating leads and converting them for sales. This helps to decide where your brand stands on the Internet. 

It can help you create a list of goals and help you decide which content marketing strategy to latch onto for the promotion of your brand.

Understand Your Ecommerce Funnel

You can’t simply jump on the bandwagon because your competitor’s content marketing strategy seems robust. You have to lay out the entire foundation of your content marketing strategy step by step, but in accordance with your goals. 

For this purpose, you need to segment your ecommerce funnel and understand which stage needs more focus, concern and, therefore, attention. For instance, an ecommerce sales funnel is comprised of four segments – Awareness, Intent, Decision and Conversion. Each stage corresponds to a level on the ecommerce platform. 

From attracting visitors to your website to lead generation and possible conversion, you have to separate each stage and determine which content marketing strategy can help push from one level to the next. 

Understand Your Target Market

If you’re designing a content marketing strategy, then you have to streamline it in relation to your target audience. Suppose your brand specializes in creating websites for new startups. Your target audience doesn’t want to read a detailed guide on your web developing activities. 

If you’re a designer, you need to showcase that in the form of visually appealing infographics, providing a step-by-step guide or tutorial in the form of a video or animation and lots of testimonials to lure the attention of your customer.

What Purpose Does It Serve?

Does your content marketing strategy serve any purpose to facilitate your clients in their search, or is it just another loose thread? If your sole purpose is to convert generated leads, then you have to focus on the mind of the customer and think like one. 

You have to provide solutions that help customers decide and choose your brand over your competition.

Content Marketing Strategies to Boost Search Rankings 

Now that you’ve established your goals for creating a content marketing strategy, let’s discuss which ones can help you boost your website’s search rankings.

Blog without a Doubt

The B2B market space is overcrowded with blogs that aren’t original, regular or relevant and, therefore, don’t provide any value to consumers. According to HubSpot, creating content for your blog at least 0-2 times a month might help you generate 100 new visitors to your website. 

If you blog around 16+ times a month, then you might triple that number and generate 350+ new visitors.

Image Source: HubSpot

Google’s ranking signals demand fresh content. If you post ‘has been’ content, plagiarized content, or content with copied ideas, then your ranking in the SERPs will likely be affected. For Google to rank your content higher, consider making the following edits to your blog:

  • Try not to tweak the publication date of your blog. It is a pivotal factor for Google’s ranking signals.
  • Try to update your blog regularly with fresh content and inbound links so that it meets Google’s ranking standards, allowing you to reap results in the form of higher visits, traffic and sales.
  • Check your blog for broken links frequently. Update your blog with fresh inbound links so that your webpages don’t redirect your enthusiastic consumers to ‘Error 404’ pages’.
  • Post new content regularly. If you can’t manage to post it yourself, then hire guest bloggers or ghostwriters to do the little chore for you.
  • Make sure your blogs cater to headlines that are SEO optimized and enriched with quality keywords for higher ranking in the SERPs. 

Try New Genres

Blogs have been a mainstay of content marketing strategy ever since brands decided to go digital. Today, there are plenty of ways that you can grab the attention of your consumers. 

Social media, for one, offers you the leverage of creating ephemeral content on social platforms like Facebook or Instagram via their stories feature, or through posts that cater to certain character limits like on Twitter. 

Podcasts, ebooks, and infographics are rich resources of content because they provide an audiovisual experience for increasing engagement or interaction with consumers. Designrr, for one, can guide any amateur startup in this strategy. 

If you’re starting out, and you don’t know whether creating an ebook out of your old content will be useful or not, then you can use Designrr and learn how to make an ebook using this tool. 

See which content format works best for your brand and your target audience. If your brand specializes in providing how-to solutions, then an e-book guide or infographics can be seen as proactive in addition to a blog with images and gifs.

Optimize Visual Content

Creating a good first impression with your content is essential to lead your potential consumer further into the content of your blog. 

Visually appealing content acts more powerfully than loose clickbait because it is of more value and tends to enhance the entire gist of the content you’re trying to portray on your webpage. Around 84% of entire communications on the Internet is now based on visual content. 

You can also optimize your visual content with SEO practices so that it performs better in the SERPs and helps to rank your other content higher. Google’s search crawlers cannot read the text you’ve posted within the image but can read the jargon that accompanies the graphics. 

Pay attention to the following three tactics:

  • Your image title should be authentic and match the content associated with the image. For instance, if your post is about Content Marketing Strategies, then an image title like ‘content marketing strategy guide’ would be appropriate.
  • Make sure you add tags to the image so that your visitors know what it is about in case it fails to load
  • Try to add or create images that aren’t too large or too slow to load. Your Google search rankings could be affected regardless of image quality.

Image Source: SearchEngineWatch

Top multi-national brands such as Nike, Adidas, Zappos and Red Bull are known far and wide mainly because of their robust content marketing strategies. The main reason these top brands are focused on the production of authentic, niche-specific and interest-grabbing content is because they want their consumers to acknowledge their existence on the internet.


Sherley Alaba is an eagle-eyed wordsmith; a writer and translator, always interested in ways which can help individuals (especially youth and women) reach their full creative potential. Her focus has been on writing, producing and editing stories on business, finance, interesting personalities, entrepreneurs, culture, the environment, gastronomy, lifestyle, and social issues.

The post Boosting Search Rankings Through Content Marketing Strategy appeared first on SiteProNews.

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