Content Marketing Strategy

24 Digital Marketing Tips That HubSpot Swears By [Research]

As a small business owner, you’re constantly wearing many hats, and marketing is one of them. But with millions of businesses opening every year, it’s more important than ever to understand digital marketing. Here are some fundamental and practical strategies for small businesses to get the most out of their marketing. Remember the “7 Cs” […]Continue Reading

Offering a free lead magnet in return for your website visitor’s email address used to work like a charm. Businesses were happy because they were generating leads and the leads were happy because they were receiving a valuable resource to consume.  With content overload becoming a real problem, generating inbound leads has become tougherContinue Reading

Creating fresh and original content to keep your audience requesting more can be incredibly difficult. So what do you do to produce original pieces of content that can reflect your brand’s vision as well as cement your spot in the industry? Well, the answer is simple; you can fill inContinue Reading

Now more than ever, people may strive to invest in a brand’s story. With that, storytelling can be an essential advertising strategy to help promote your product or services. Applying the principles of storytelling to your business, such as speaking with emotion and weaving a tale with words may leaveContinue Reading

Content marketing strategies and SEO are closely interrelated. From boosting search rankings in the SERPs and aiding in navigation to conversions and sales for your business, your brand is nowhere without an authentic content marketing strategy.  Since there are tons of content marketing strategies, you have to decide which oneContinue Reading

For entrepreneurs, content marketing is a vital component of a venture. Without it, the creator will be flailing around in the dark, not reaching the necessary market. Using effective content marketing strategies allows the entrepreneur to reach the right audience. In addition, the right strategy will spread the right information. Continue Reading

When Karla Cook, the current Editor of HubSpot’s Marketing Blog, first joined the team as a staff writer in July 2016, she realized she had more in common with most of her new teammates than she originally thought. As a rhetoric major at Bates College, a liberal arts school inContinue Reading

Whether you’re just starting out with content marketing or you’ve been using the same approach for a while, it never hurts to revisit your content strategy plan — to make sure it’s up-to-date, innovative, and strong. After all, you’ve got more competition than ever. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 70%Continue Reading