Content Marketing

Automated email marketing (drip campaigns) have influenced the online marketing spectrum over the years. But in recent years marketers have begun to doubt its prowess due to biased claims that it doesn’t drive conversion. Well, automated campaigns without the right email marketing and sales prospecting wouldn’t yield results. So if you’re experiencing low sign-up with […]Continue Reading

How Do You Turn Complex Topics into Content That’s Easy to Understand

Talking about why your audience should take a trip to the Maldives is fairly easy. Barring the budget constraints, they need very little convincing. So is explaining the difference two bookcases – even if you have to go into details about manufacturing processes and materials, they already know the basics of a bookcase, so you’ve […]Continue Reading

Business Development at Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators

Want to grow your small business? Or perhaps you’re just trying to hold on to the customers you already have? Either way, for SMEs budgets are the biggest problem. There never seems to be enough money to fuel all your ideas or your growth plans. I spent more than 12 years working with startups and […]Continue Reading

Top 5 Secrets of Business Marketing on Instagram

Instagram, which is anticipated to have 1.2 billion users by 2023, provides a huge opportunity for small business owners to expand their marketing efforts, and marketers all over the world are aware of this. According to the Social Media Examiner’s social media marketing report for 2021, “78% of marketers are using Instagram.” Marketers regard it […]Continue Reading