
Gold, on the other hand, has been lackluster as far as percentage gains are concerned but the asset has jumped 1.3% in the last six days. Gold bugs, speculators, and precious metal (PM) market analysts have pointed to the soft dollar last week attributing to the shiny yellow metal’s price rise.Continue Reading

300 Banks in Germany Charge Negative Interest Rates Including Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, INGA new report reveals that more than 300 banks in Germany are now charging some customers negative interest rates. Some are big global banks, including Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, and ING. 300 Banks Pass on the Burden of Negative Interest Rates to Customers Banks in Germany have been increasingly passing on the burden of negative interest […]

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The World Bank’s Blockchain Bond Is Just a Fancy Way of Selling Debt

  Last year the World Bank and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia announced a permissioned Ethereum-based blockchain to facilitate the end-to-end issuance of bonds between financial partners. The Bretton Woods-created financial institution hopes to make debt capital markets far more efficient with a bank-to-bank blockchain network. At the same time,Continue Reading

  Central banks worldwide are examining the possibility of issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC), with some already testing theirs for different uses. Countries that have advanced their digital currency projects include China, Singapore, Canada, the Bahamas, Thailand, Uruguay, and Sweden. India has also included the digital rupee inContinue Reading

  Last week in Russia, state agents tore apart the offices of FBK, a privately funded anti-corruption foundation, freezing group assets and more than 100 bank accounts. Officials are using suspicion of money laundering as justification for targeting the largely bitcoin-funded group, possibly in a bid to quell their handContinue Reading

  Whenever bitcoin experiences a sharp drop or volatility, mainstream media analysts jump to declare that cryptocurrency isn’t stable enough to be considered money. The double-digit crash of the Argentine peso in one day, simply due to an election in the country, can be said to prove the same aboutContinue Reading

  With the recent Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) announcement that even more customers will be charged to hold money in their banks, people are scrambling to find ways to preserve their wealth, while USB and others scramble to dam the losses resulting from national negative interest rate policy (NIRP).Continue Reading

  Australia is now moving forward with its proposed legislation to ban cash purchases over 10,000 AUD ($6,900) for business purposes. According to the treasury website: “The Black Economy Taskforce recommended this action to tackle tax evasion and other criminal activities.” While many Aussies are celebrating Bitcoin’s exclusion from thisContinue Reading

  The international financial establishment is known to express concern about the risks of money laundering when the crypto space is mentioned. A string of scandals indicates, however, that traditional banks are not only susceptible to the phenomenon but sometimes complicit, whether knowingly or inadvertently. New chapters have been addedContinue Reading

  At a press conference on Wednesday, the head of the Swedish Central Bank admitted that interest rates could potentially go as low as -1.5%, and quipped that Swedes likely wouldn’t even protest. Other countries implementing negative interest rate policies are producing lukewarm results that don’t address the root causesContinue Reading

Coinbase Launches Crypto Debit Card in 6 European Countries

  Coinbase Card is being made available in six new countries across Europe. The service enables users to spend their digital funds in-store and online, supporting all crypto assets available to trade on the Coinbase platform such as bitcoin cash.   Coinbase Card Expands Across Europe San Francisco-based cryptocurrency exchangeContinue Reading