I had one week left to prepare for an important event where I would be presenting some critical information about a business deal to some very important people. A knot would tighten in my gut each time I thought about
Life Mastery
A little bruised, but grateful
Figuring out how Rare Faith works is not always a smooth process. But for those who are willing to keep trying, and who learn something from each of their toe-stubbing experiences, the process does get smoother. Our life experiences provide …
Emotional Prosperity
Following are some powerful thoughts from Mindset Mastery Program participant Annette Myers. She writes: I recently realized that one of the things I want most in life is emotional prosperity. Some people want financial prosperity, physical prosperity, or mental prosperity. …
When you feel numb or emotionally depleted
This was an important question about how to live the principles of Rare Faith when you’re absolutely depleted, emotionally or physically. This came in from one of our Mindset Mastery program participants, and I want to share my answer with …
When you’re in pain and someone asks how you’re doing
So you want to live by the Rare Faith principles, but doggone it, you’re having a bad day. How can you be real, and get the help you need, without ruining the process with negativity?
When you’re in pain and
Your Mission Impossible – A Guide to Finding and Fulfilling Your Life Purpose
There is nothing that this world can offer that is more gratifying and more satisfying than you finding out what your “mission impossible” is on this planet. You have a divine mission and purpose to fulfill. This guide will help …
Be thankful for sandwiches, too
From Jackrabbit Factor, we learn that finding and eating “sandwiches” on the path might not be the ultimate goal, but it can provide sustenance and energy for chasing the next “rabbit”. (Read it for the full analogy) It other words, …
Immediate Results
I received a fun message, reminding me of how simple it can be to apply the principles for truly immediate results. Check this out: Hi Leslie! I was thinking of you today. I had lost your book in my daughters …
Choosing a Bullet-Proof Goal (“I Don’t Know What I Want!”)
Have you ever wondered: “How am I supposed to apply the principles to achieve a goal if I don’t even know what I really want?” When you’ve selected the right goal, it’s practically bullet-proof. Nothing will sway you from pursuing …
Why the Sparkly Mountain
My family spent a week pulling a trailer to various places between Mesa, Arizona and Salt Lake City, Utah for spring break when the kids were younger. Oh, I could write volumes on the shenanigans we experienced, but for the …
By small and simple things
Two Sundays ago I woke up and made Trevan a special birthday breakfast. Well, not incredibly special, just pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries, and scrambled eggs with sausage. But I did bring it to him in bed (a tradition …
For those who desire to maintain traditional roles
I stumbled onto an old message while looking for something else, and it’s prompted me to bring together in one place a few different conversations I’ve had on this topic. It’s not organized in any particular way, and my newsletter …
More Tender Mercies and Miracles
You may remember my previous article about Vanessa, and Tender Mercies. Even when we don’t get exactly what we want, noticing the little blessings can help us qualify for more. As I said before, she has suffered a run of …
Keeping my Eyes on the Horizon
We were newlyweds of only one year. My husband and I decided to drive twelve hours to attend a conference which would help us start a business. Tensions were high because we couldn’t afford the trip, and our disagreements left …