Peace of Mind

I had one week left to prepare for an important event where I would be presenting some critical information about a business deal to some very important people. A knot would tighten in my gut each time I thought about it, but I consciously did my best to breathe deeplyContinue Reading

I received a fun message, reminding me of how simple it can be to apply the principles for truly immediate results. Check this out: Hi Leslie! I was thinking of you today. I had lost your book in my daughters room and she finally found it several days ago. I’ve been rereadingContinue Reading

From Jackrabbit Factor, we learn that finding and eating “sandwiches” on the path might not be the ultimate goal, but it can provide sustenance and energy for chasing the next “rabbit”. (Read it for the full analogy) It other words, don’t begrudge the sandwich. Will Davis put it this way. He said:Continue Reading

Today’s amazing share comes from Mindset Mastery Program participant Stephanie Lee ( Worth reading to the end… Hi All, I’m taking a FB fast through the rest of June but HAD to break it just long enough to log in here and share some cool experiences I’ve had this week.Continue Reading

A few years ago, I stepped outside of my home and unexpectedly witnessed what you see here – and it stopped me in my tracks.  It seemed impossible, but it was real. A huge 747 airplane flew by so low, and so slow that it hardly seemed to be moving. Continue Reading

Back when all my kids still lived at home: Tonight was our weekly family night, an evening set aside to spend time with the kids and improve our family relationships through activities and instruction. However, more often than we’d like, it’s actually the only family argument to open and closeContinue Reading

“The solution to every problem is only an idea away.” — Portal to Genius
But what if you get the idea, and then forget what it was?
I was driving home one day and was pondering a really powerful “aha” moment. I thought, “Ooooh, I need to write that one down…” But by the time I could stop and commit the idea to paper, it was gone. It was one of those slippery fish that escaped before being speared by the pencil.
That really worried me, because every now and then I have a spark of inspiration that provides me… Read moreContinue Reading

My oldest was probably only four years old when he showed me so proudly that he could tie his shoes. There they were, with the laces knotted together over and over until there was no more string left with which to work. How proud he was, and how I smiled. He had not tied them properly, but he had done his best and I was proud of him anyway.
Having tied the laces together in nearly twenty good knots on each shoe, I naturally had a little bit of an unplanned project ahead of me. Undoing what he had done… Read moreContinue Reading