
My family spent a week pulling a trailer to various places between Mesa, Arizona and Salt Lake City, Utah for spring break when the kids were younger. Oh, I could write volumes on the shenanigans we experienced, but for the sake of this post, I’ll try to keep it toContinue Reading

If you’re married and working toward a goal, sometimes living the principles can be especially challenging because deep down you have certain expectations of what your spouse is supposed to be doing.
Heck, it can be hard enough achieving goals with all the lofty expectations of what YOU are supposed to be doing!
At one time I had to come to terms with the fact that I was in another one of those “temporary seasons of imbalance” and decided to just hunker down and get through it. My husband agreed, and was there to support me, filling in gaps wherever… Read moreContinue Reading

grumpy spouse? you have more influence than you know. Have faith – while respecting his or her free agency.
I’ve had this question come in time and again about how much our thoughts can influence a situation if our spouse’s thoughts do not support our own. If we shouldn’t manipulate another person’s freedom to choose, how does this all work in a marriage if both parties are not on the same page?
Some people have a gift of strong faith, and others struggle more to develop it. If you have an easier time with faith than your spouse, it may… Read moreContinue Reading

Positive Thinking Tip: God wants you to have more happiness than you can imagine. here’s how to increase your capacity to receive it.
A few years ago I had a troubling experience with one of my readers, (it was insane, actually – as you’ll soon find out) and through it, I learned a powerful life lesson on “how to receive”.  With the “spirit of giving” in mind, I’d like to talk to you about the piece that sometimes gets overlooked: your ability to receive what you ask for. It takes a certain amount of faith, and I’ll show you why…… Read moreContinue Reading

Positive Thinking Tip: Ask and ye shall receive – when you ask “right”
Learning to consciously apply success principles (such as the law of attraction) for a better life is just like learning a whole new language. At first, with every intention to communicate your desires perfectly, everyone makes mistakes. It’s happened to me: what was intended to communicate my desires clearly has often turned into something that I never intended at all.
But that’s okay… it’s part of the learning process.  Think about it:
Imagine going to a Spanish speaking country with nothing more than a rudimentary understanding of… Read moreContinue Reading