
In business, getting ahead often hinges on our ability to get noticed. We need people to pay attention to our brand if we want them to listen, complete an action, change a behavior, and so on.

Trouble is, there are two types of attention: good and bad. And the brands below know a thing or two about both. Remember the dress that broke the internet? What about the time REI boycotted Black Friday for its #OptOutside campaign? And we’ll certainly never forget the moment when Steve Harvey accidentally announced the wrong Miss Universe winner, right? 

But what happened to these brands after the fact? The folks at Fractl and Moz teamed up to explore the impact that these stunts — both planned and accidental — had on seven different companies that made big news in the past year. Armed with a handful of tools, they dug into the data to determine exactly how media coverage affects press mentions, organic traffic, and backlinks.

So is it true that all press is good press? Check out their findings by scrolling through the flipbook below.

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