Content_Promo_Megaphone_Blog_Image-1Lately, I’ve been hearing more and more questions about earned, owned, and paid media. What are the differences between the three? How do they work together? How can they work separately? Which one is “better” than the others? 

Thanks to Column Five, there are now some quick, easy-to-consume answers to most of these questions. In Column Five’s infographic below, they give visual definitions of these marketing terms and back them up with data to help you decide how to promote your next piece of content.

In general, each of these channels allows for unique ways to promote your content, and they likely perform differently for everyone based on industries or audiences. This infographic lays out the facts so you can make the best promotion decisions possible for your business.

Ready to get started? Let’s walk through the basics of your content distribution options.


download free guide to content promotion

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