Every company deals with employee turnover. Even in a healthy economic climate, it’s inevitable that some of your people will seek a career change, move cities, get recruited by a competitor, or part ways with your company. 

But there’s a difference between healthy and unhealthy employee turnover. You want your best hires to stay and grow their careers at your company — and if they’re leaving, you need to find out why. What makes great people leave their jobs?

The folks at BambooHR wanted to find out what’s driving employees away from companies and keeping current employees disengaged at work. They conducted a survey of over 1,000 current employees in the U.S. to find out what annoys them at work, what’s decreasing their productivity, and what the breaking point would be that’d make them leave.

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Check out the results of BambooHR’s survey in the infographic below to learn the top five deal-breakers broken down by age and gender, why people leave their jobs, what annoys employees, and more. (And read this blog post to learn more about why employees quit.)

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