Bitcoin Core

  On August 13, Samsung, the South Korean multinational conglomerate, published the company’s new Blockchain Keystore SDK for developers and the latest release supports Bitcoin Core (BTC). The version follows Samsung’s previous Keystore release which only supported ETH and the ERC20 standard. Samsung Quietly Adds BTC Support to Its BlockchainContinue Reading

  It’s been less than two weeks since the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) hard fork and blockchain split that occurred on Nov. 15. Since then there’s been a lot of discussion concerning the hash war, with BSV and BCH miners acquiring blocks, gathering hashrate and accumulating proof of work. Now afterContinue Reading

The popular cryptocurrency software provider Blockchain has announced the launch of a custom hardware wallet that is exclusively tethered to the company’s flagship wallet. According to the development team behind the new hardware wallet called Lockbox, the firm collaborated with the wallet manufacturer Ledger in order to create the design. Continue Reading

Earlier this week received an email from an e-commerce shop owner who was having lots of issues dealing with traditional payment providers. Many of the problems stemmed from him not having a formal address and having bank accounts in different countries. However, the owner of store quickly foundContinue Reading

The number of cryptocurrency ATMs in Belgium and the Netherlands is growing, according to newly released data. Amsterdam is leading among major cities in the Benelux region, with 12 machines supporting digital coin transactions. Luxembourg, which is a global center of traditional finances, is lagging behind in terms of availableContinue Reading

On Sunday China’s oldest tech media publication, Beijing Sci-Tech Report (BSTR) also known as ‘Technology life,’ has announced the business is accepting bitcoin core (BTC) for the magazine’s 2019 subscriptions. Also read: Launching a Website on the Bitcoin Cash Network Is Now a Reality  The Publication Beijing Sci-Tech Report Now AcceptsContinue Reading

On September 24, director of research at Tierion and Bitcoin developer Paul Sztorc announced the launch of the first Drivechain release. The Drivechain protocol is an alternative to the sidechain concept because it enables multiple blockchain compatibilities but the system utilizes the same 21 million bitcoins. Also read: Speculators andContinue Reading

This weekend a new organization was announced at Baltic Honey Badger bitcoin conference called the ‘B Foundation.’ At the event, Satoshi Labs co-founder Alena Vranova divulged the information of a new foundation that will have a mix of “charitable and commercial” efforts. Also read: The Bitcoin Files Protocol Provides a BCHContinue Reading

Over the last 24 hours, the cryptocurrency community has been discussing a critical vulnerability that was found in the Bitcoin Core (BTC) reference client. A bug introduced in Bitcoin Core version 0.14, that also affects all subsequent versions, could have caused a great majority of current Core nodes to crash.Continue Reading

On Wednesday, September 19, a team of developers launched a platform called the Open Savings Initiative. The application allows any Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin Core (BTC) user to save funds in a time-locked address that cannot be spent until a specific date and time has passed. Also read: Critical BugContinue Reading

The bitcoin security specialists Wizsec has recently explained to the public that the wallet that held more than 111,000 BTC did not derive from the Silk Road marketplace, and it’s also not one of the Mt Gox wallets. Further Wizsec detailed today that a recent article had quoted the organizationContinue Reading

Just recently we reported on new information concerning the hunt for Satoshi Nakamoto. Following a summary of suspects, we ended the report with the first part of an interview with a man who believes he was a member of the Satoshi Nakamoto group. Unfortunately, Phil Wilson, the man who saysContinue Reading

Just when you thought things couldn’t get weirder in the cryptocurrency space, one of the most untrusted characters within the Bitcoin community has announced the launch of a new full node Bitcoin Cash client. The notorious owner of the website, Cobra Bitcoin, has revealed what he calls the ‘CobraContinue Reading

Ever since the Bitcoin network was launched the online world of digital bounty hunting began to prosper significantly, allowing individuals the ability to scour the web for jobs that pay in cryptocurrency. Just recently revamped its portal, Bitcoin Bounty Hunter, a service that allows anyone to anonymously crowd sourceContinue Reading