Help with Finances

So many of our decisions are based on fear of the worst case scenario playing out. Of course! We want to avoid those disasters, naturally. But what if we chose to live our life, always expecting that something wonderful is about to happen? What if it works out? What ifContinue Reading

I remember when my husband and I were trying to live on about $1200/month.  We were both working full time and fighting a losing battle to stay afloat. We listened to motivational audios that urged us to believe in our dreams, and we knew that we could have any kindContinue Reading

A few years ago, I stepped outside of my home and unexpectedly witnessed what you see here – and it stopped me in my tracks.  It seemed impossible, but it was real. A huge 747 airplane flew by so low, and so slow that it hardly seemed to be moving. Continue Reading

When you understand the laws of thought, it is possible to look at life’s problems and actually feel good about them. There are rewards for those who do this.
Hey there – this is going to be one of my deeper posts. I want to speak specifically to any of my readers who are dealing with something especially heavy.
Now, I’m about to throw some deep philosophical stuff at you. Heavy things merit a heavy discussion. So to begin with, read these next lines very carefully, one at a time. Consider each of them, and see if they ring true… Read moreContinue Reading

Positive Thinking Tip: optimism will lead you to financial solutions, but be smart and live responsibly in the here and now.
Here is a question from one of my readers that I thought was worthwhile to share with  you.
How do you think, especially speak, feel, and act as though you are rich, and…
A. not spend money you don’t have?
B. still give positive responses as though the money is here now to people asking you to do things you don’t have the money for???
How do you “feel” like the money is here now, when you see… Read moreContinue Reading

Here’s a question I received that I think is worth discussing. The reader said:
“Since reading the Jackrabbit Factor and feeling elated, it seems that our finances have gone down the tubes. I have not been able to pay bills on time, money is taking longer than usual to come in, we have bounced checks, etc. I know right now I am dwelling on the negative, but wondered why this is happening just at the time that I feel I have discovered the answer?”
Here’s my reply, somewhat modified:
When you’re aiming for big changes, it’s normal to face equally… Read moreContinue Reading

If you’re married and working toward a goal, sometimes living the principles can be especially challenging because deep down you have certain expectations of what your spouse is supposed to be doing.
Heck, it can be hard enough achieving goals with all the lofty expectations of what YOU are supposed to be doing!
At one time I had to come to terms with the fact that I was in another one of those “temporary seasons of imbalance” and decided to just hunker down and get through it. My husband agreed, and was there to support me, filling in gaps wherever… Read moreContinue Reading

If you’re having trouble staying out of debt, try this on for size:
Perhaps getting out of debt should not be the goal, but something you do on the WAY to a goal.
If getting out of debt is your goal, you may inadvertently condition your subconscious mind to work continually on filling the proverbial hole. When it sees that the goal is nearly accomplished, it can sometimes automatically look for more “holes” to fill. With constant thoughts about debt, and especially with the exhilaration that comes from paying it off,  you can literally train it to pay off debt… Read moreContinue Reading

Does life ever seem unfair?
Maybe you’ve dealt with more than your fair share of financial struggles. Perhaps you’ve had the feeling that your big break is just around the corner, but that corner never comes. Learn the seven laws that govern the flow of blessings you receive. The laws are like a kite string… and we are the kite. Without the string, we are tossed in the wind, and struggle to soar. But with an understanding of the laws, we can rise to remarkable heights.
As we learn the laws and live by them, we come to realize how… Read moreContinue Reading

when you don’t achieve the results you expect, “check the address”.
Some time ago I was in Utah with my husband and two of my kids for a conference, and while we were there, I needed to pick up some books from Garrett Gunderson, my co-author for Portal to Genius.
I love telling people about his book, Killing Sacred Cows, and needed some more to have on hand for my local events.
(Both books are very much worth reading, by the way…)
I texted Garrett while I was there, and since it was on a weekend and nobody was in… Read moreContinue Reading