
  Gold and bitcoin markets have have attracted comparisons for some time now, with gold investors taking an interest in the cryptocurrency during the 2017 bull market. But some of these investors are now reintroducing gold to their portfolio, according to Jan Van Eck of Van Eck Associates.  Also read: 8Continue Reading

Several financial institutions in Europe, like Danske Bank and Swedbank, have been mentioned in a Lithuanian report investigating large-scale crypto-fiat transactions that took place in the past two years. Some of the banks’ clients traded digital coins worth millions of euros and the Baltic nation’s financial crime combating agency wantsContinue Reading

Russian ICOs attracted a total of $300 million last year but half of the funds went to financial pyramids, according to the Russian Association of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain. The organization that represents the crypto community in the country is now working on an ICO standard to help investors distinguish realContinue Reading

We’re now living in the generation of millennials—a breed of talented, passionate, independent, and tech-savvy individuals who’ve been setting the world on fire. Demographically speaking, more than 30 percent of the Philippines’s population is comprised of millennials. By 2020, statistics predict that at least 50 percent of the global workforceContinue Reading