Motivational Short Stories (Page 2)

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I was invited to speak at an LDS Homeschooler’s Conference hosted by Celestia Shumway (, attended by mothers who wanted to stay at home to raise their children but who sometimes struggled to make ends meet financially. In this program, …

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Back when all my kids still lived at home: Tonight was our weekly family night, an evening set aside to spend time with the kids and improve our family relationships through activities and instruction. However, more often than we’d like, …

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What would happen if you could feel grateful for EVERYTHING?
Is it even possible to feel grateful for everything? The fact is, feeling good about your problems literally activates certain laws of success for happier outcomes.
And who doesn’t want …

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If we could conduct a scientific experiment with all the variables perfectly controlled where two people with the same upbringing, with the same experiences, with the same DNA and everything else were thrown the very same challenge…
…their circumstances and …

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when you don’t achieve the results you expect, “check the address”.
Some time ago I was in Utah with my husband and two of my kids for a conference, and while we were there, I needed to pick up some …

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“John, aren’t you going to put on your seatbelt?” “Why, are we going to get into a crash?” “No, but seatbelts save lives…” John retorted, “Seatbelts don’t save lives.” “Of course they do!” His friend explained, “Once, I was driving …

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Last month I was asked to speak at my local church congregation’s sacrament meeting. I hadn’t planned on sharing my ‘talk’ publicly because my blog readership is made up of people from a wide variety of religious backgrounds and belief …