Life Lessons (Page 2)

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A few years ago, I stepped outside of my home and unexpectedly witnessed what you see here – and it stopped me in my tracks.  It seemed impossible, but it was real. A huge 747 airplane flew by so low, and so slow that it hardly seemed to be moving. Continue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

Parenting can be hard!  So when difficult behaviors wreak havoc on the family, you might just need a few more tools in the toolbox. Finding the core principles that govern success in any area of life is absolutely key to succeeding in that area, and what you’ll find on this podcast is no exception. This … Continue reading #28: Parenting Principles PreviewContinue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

“One of the greatest skills we can learn in life is how to deal effectively with disappointments, because after all, life is full of them. Learning the skill not only helps us turn things around, but it can also help us have total peace of mind (and even joy) in the meantime. As we learn … Continue reading Why Disappointment can be a Good ThingContinue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

Back when all my kids still lived at home: Tonight was our weekly family night, an evening set aside to spend time with the kids and improve our family relationships through activities and instruction. However, more often than we’d like, it’s actually the only family argument to open and closeContinue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

Back when all my kids still lived at home: Journal Entry 2008: Tonight was our weekly family night, an evening set aside to spend time with the kids and improve our family relationships through activities and instruction. However, more often than we’d like, it’s actually the only family argument to open and close with prayer … Continue reading Adversity and Unifying the FamilyContinue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

Depression had gripped me throughout my second pregnancy. I was thrilled to be expecting another baby, but the hormones made it difficult for me to feel the happiness. When the time came, labor was long and complicated. By the time my son came into the world, I was too exhausted to celebrate his arrival. For … Continue reading They All Have AngelsContinue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

In this program, I talk about three reasons we have setbacks, and what to do, so that the hidden benefit contained in every adversity can be realized. Resources mentioned: 12-week Home Study Program: Jackrabbit Factor free download: Free Report: This program was originally recorded for Hilton-Johnson’s Global Teleclass Summit in 2009.Continue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

In this program, I talk about three reasons we have setbacks, and what to do, so that the hidden benefit contained in every adversity can be realized. “Leslie is an absolute awesome teacher and motivational speaker! She is very knowledgable of the subject matter she teaches and is “real”, aContinue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

“Leaning into” your problem is less painful than pretending it doesn’t exist. One afternoon as I was playing with my kids, my sweet little two year-old stepped on my hair. The instant I felt the pain, I pulled away to get out from under her little feet. It was my instantaneous reaction, albeit not very … Continue reading When Someone Steps on Your HairContinue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

I had my own faith crisis a few years ago. When I found myself with more questions than I had answers, I felt like the earth had fallen out from beneath my feet for a time. But then ultimately I decided to focus and reflect back on some of the answers I had already received … Continue reading Surviving a Faith CrisisContinue Reading